The internet is pretty sketchy right now so I'm just going to post the pictures that I was able to upload. I will hopefully a more extensive blog soon when I get some internet that actually works. are some pictures of my latest deep sea fishing trip.
The first picture is a picture of Bird Island. Bird Island is a part of Ant atoll but it is at the farthest point from Pohnpei. The island has no rats so all of the sea birds nest there.
Here is a series of pictures of the fishing that was done at Bird Island. We were casting a big lure towards the breaking waves and we were able to catch 2 GT's (Giant Trevalia) and 1 Red Snapper. This is one series of pictures when we caught on of the GT's.
Allois catching the second GT.
Me gaffing the GT.
GT with knife in head.
Me with the GT.
Ok so catching the GT's was really awesome but the real excitement happened a few hours later when we were trolling for Blue Marlin. We trolled around Ant atoll for about 2-3 hours and did not get any bites and then a huge Blue Marlin bit on the line. Once the fish was hooked it took off running and never stopped. The fish ran and took 500 yards of fishing line. While it was running the reel started to smoke. White smoke from the drag mechanism was pouring out of the reel. We were frantically trying to pour water on the reel to cool it off and somehow slow this giant fish down. Unfortunately..the fish was way too big. It kept running and took all of the like off of the reel, destroyed the reel, and took all of the line with it. This was definitely the biggest fish that I have ever lost. It was the craziest thing that I have ever seen. The boat captain estimated that the fish was upwards of 500 pounds..maybe more. Then about 10 minutes later after untangling all of the lines and recovering from all of the mayhem we dropped the lines in the water. About 5 seconds after they dropped in the water another marlin was playing with the bait. I was watching it about 5 feet behind the boat. Unfortunately it never actually bit the lure.
Here is a picture of the mayhem when the first marlin was on the line. It doesn't really capture the craziness but.. its the best I could do.
Thats its for now. Talk to you soon.
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